Know All Bacterial Vaginosis – Avoid It And Cure It.

Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Fri, Apr 9, 2010  
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Being a woman means a number of infections in the urinary tracts. This is primarily due to the fact that the urinary tract of a woman is smaller and narrower than men, so there are more chances for infections of all types. Bacterial vaginosis is one such infection, which causes a fowl odor in the discharge in the vaginal area just after sex. Yes, you are right dear friends it is the whitish yellow or gray discharge which every 1 woman out of 7 women suffer.


Yes, it just signifies that the bacteria Gardnerelle Vaginalis that love to flourish in the vaginal area have invaded the area and decided to multiply. They are just like weeds that attack an otherwise lush green garden. It is better dear friends to take hold of the situation and treat it and take steps to avoid further invasion of these bacteria that can cause havoc to an otherwise healthy body. 


Noticing a whitish yellow or gray discharge alone does not mean it is due bacterial vaginosis. Some other culprits to this condition can be douching, sex or use of Intra-uterine devices, besides other health conditions like anemia, diabetes, pelvic infections or erosion of the cervix. So the first step that one should take is to consult a gynecologist, who would do various tests to diagnose the condition.


The first step the specialist would do is to test a swab of the discharge with a pathologist. This test would be able to give the doctor an idea of the type of bacteria that is causing the condition, or if there is no bacteria the cause of the discharge. However dear friends it is best for one to take prompt action to avoid further developments into more severe sexually transmitted diseases like Chlamydia, HIV, and other pelvic inflammatory diseases that could even lead to infertility for life. .


Sex is a big “NO” in case of the infection, ” bacterial vaginosis”. Yes, the vagina and the sexual organs of a woman need rest during treatment. This also helps to avoid any other sexually transmitted infections, which could lead to further complications. Your specialist would start you off on antibiotics that could help first reduce the infection and then lead to full cure. In addition avoid the use of IUD’s and other physical birth control measures. However oral contraceptives could be taken, but follow your doctor’s instructions in the most effective way. .


To conclude, dear women do make sure and restrict your sex to known partners only. Also make sure to control bacterial vaginosis at the very start, so that the mole does not turn to a mountain and require more intensive and long term treatment.  


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