Yoga to Stay Young and boosting your Self Confidence

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Sun, Apr 29, 2012  
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We are on our toes 24x7 and are pressured to work like a maniac to meet our desired targets and that’s the reason we look like zombies at the end of the day with no energy left with us. You can get back your body energy with a few asanas and you can see for yourself how healing and therapeutic it can be.


Viparitkarni asana (inverted posture)

Exhale first. While inhaling, start raising both the legs upwards and stop when they make an angle of 90 degrees with the floor. While exhaling, raise the waist and push the legs backwards over the head. While you are inhaling support the waist with both hands, straighten the legs and stretch the toes towards the sky. Keep the sight on the toes. While inhaling slightly put down the legs, place the waist on the ground keeping the legs straight. While exhaling, bring the legs back to normal position without any jerk.

This asana helps to restore your health by calming your nervous system and is very beneficial for the reproductive system. But it should not be done during menstruation, but it is very bifacial if done during other times of the month. Those going through menopause and peri-menopause should perform this asana regularly.


Sarvangasana (shoulder stand)

Lie flat on your back. Inhale deeply while raising your legs and spine until the toes point to the ceiling. The body rests on the shoulders and back on the neck. The body is supported by the hands, which are placed on the centre of the spine between the waist and the shoulder blades. Keep your spine and legs straight. Breathe slowly and deeply. It helps to stretch your internal organs and pelvic region and aids blood circulation to the whole body. It is excellent for the thyroid gland.


Halasana (ploy pose)

Lie down on the floor first. Using the abdominal muscles, lift the legs over the head until your toes touch the floor behind the head. The hips should be aligned over the shoulders. This pose massages all your internal organs. It helps digestion, relieves constipation and promotes insulin for the pancreas, kidney and liver to function. It strengthens your abdominal muscles and relieves pain in your back which in turn tones the spinal nerves and increases the metabolic rate and the immune system.



This asana is very similar to ploy pose. From ploy pose just bend your knees and bring them to the floor. Rest the top of your feet on the floor. Lightly apply pressure to the ears with your knees. This asana cures ear problems. It is good for increasing height and getting rid of obesity. But those suffering from slipped disc, vertigo and high and low blood pressure should avoid it.






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