What you can do before and after a party?

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Tue, Feb 14, 2012  
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Before you hit a party please make sure that you increase your intake of water. Don’t drink caffeine and aerated drinks. Instead of having empty calorie drinks have green tea, herbal tea, vegetable juices, coconut water and water with a dash of lime.


Snack on dry fruits, nuts and seeds. Before the party season starts make sure that you eat a restricted diet. A healthy restricted diet will help the body to rest and preserve itself before the abuse. Consume a lot of fruit and vegetables, but at the same time don’t forget to eat your proteins and carbs.


After partying just don’t forget to take rest. Lack of sleep can make you short tempered. A few drops of lavender oil on your pillow can give you a soothing feeling. Practice pranayam before you hit the bed. Sleep in shavasana. This will help you to relax your mind and body. Mediate it will help you to detoxify negativity and recharge your inner self.


To get over lethargy after a party have fruits, prunes and apricots. Eat healthy carbohydrates like whole wheat and brown rice and vitamin B rich food like liver, meat, soya beans, brown rice, fish and wheat germ. Drink plenty of water to flush out the toxin from the body. If you can drink warm water it is even better. In case of constipation add California prunes, guavas, fresh figs, beetroots and carrots to your diet. To get over hungover have vitamin C rich fruits like guava and gooseberry juice 


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