Valid Reasons For A Pregnant Woman To Quit Smoking

Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Mon, Apr 12, 2010  
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Smoking, the poison to good health should be quit by pregnant women during pregnancy. Yes smoking mothers produce children with problems. So it is very essential that all women give up smoking a few weeks before conception or immediately thereafter. There are many valid reasons for a pregnant woman to quit smoking.


Smoking is just like taking a cocktail of drugs and poisons. Smoking in the first instance reduces the amount of oxygen level in the blood due to increased level of carbon monoxide in the blood. On quitting smoking it immediately leads to normalizing of the blood pressure and pulse level and decrease in the chances of getting a heart attack. And yes there is an increase in the level of oxygen in the blood, which leads to adequate supply of oxygen to the growing fetus.


Yes, this helps to avoid complications in the pregnancy like miscarriage, labor complications, bleeding, premature detachment of the placenta and premature rupture of the membranes. The chances of ectopic pregnancy or fertilization outside the womb and lesser chances of becoming pregnant again are also eliminated.


Besides, the decreased supply of oxygen in the blood of the pregnant mother may lead to insufficient or lack of quality in the oxygen supplied to the growing fetus leading to various birth defects in the child like premature or smaller babies, still born babies or babies that do not survive more than one week after birth.  Yes underweight babies run high risks of death in infancy and diseases in early infancy and childhood.



It is true that smoking increases the risk of cot death thrice. In addition, respiratory problems like asthma and bronchitis are very high in children whose mothers smoke. Passive smoking ill effects can also be contracted from members of the family who smoke and also by third-hand smoke of bringing things used by a smoker near infants and children.  Yes, it very correct that lactating smoking mothers produced less quality and quantity of breast milk. 


In addition, light smoking women had about 44% more chances to have boys with conduct problems, which included hyperactive and attention deficiency. Heavy smoking pregnant women had 80% more chance in this regard. In addition, girl children also stood chances of getting conduct problems but not attention deficiency or hyperactivity.


To conclude, it is best for a pregnant woman to quit smoking to take care of herself and bring out a strong and healthy child. In addition, it is the moral duty of every mother to take care of ones child from the time of conception to the time a child is old enough to look after oneself. Yes, we all owe it to the coming generation who has to make great strides in life.   


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    Tuesday, March 15, 2011 monikadutta

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