Understanding modern medical care

Posted by Naveen Manchal on Sun, Jul 17, 2011  
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I find a lot of patients paranoid about modern medical care. In the old days, I remember going to a medical practitioner with absolute faith in him and in his ability to make me feel better. Ironically, when medical professionals have improved their skills drastically, the faith people have in them has actually worsened!


With advancement in medical technology,came the huge array of blood tests, CT Scans and other investigations. This is the era of "evidence based medicine" in which doctors are supposed to back their opinions with machine based reports.


But, what all of us should understand is that investigations are only tools to help the doctor arrive at a diagnosis and his opinion based on experience is still the final word. It is a dangerous trend when the patient is caught up in a large nuber of tests and fails to listen to his doctor's advice. Many actually become argumentative with their physicians.


Medicine is not a simple calculation like 2+2=4. In medicine, 2+2 can be 5 too or even 3! Each individual is complex and so is his illness. The doctor, even with all this technology, can only help, not guarantee a cure.  


The basic human qualities of faith and understanding still score over all technology. Have a pleasant and reassuring interaction with your doctor.


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