Trim down your flabby arms

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Tue, Jan 25, 2011  
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Yoga is the best way to tone up flabby arms. In yoga, most poses are ideal combinations of weight-training and cardio, both important for trimming down your arms. For example the simple ‘Surya Namaskar’ involves poses that pushes the upper arms and shoulders. Arm balancers, like the 'kakasana' or crow pose  are also good for the arms. They also encourage metal focus and a sense of adventure and joy. As you grow older and your metabolic rate slows down fat starts to deposit around the arms making it look ugly. To bust fat in the upper arms, we must think in terms of overall health.

 To tone upper arms and trim down fat ‘Setuasana’ or plank pose is excellent. Sit on your heels. Place your palms flat on the ground, supporting your body on the upper arms. The feet should be rested on the toe ensuring that the legs remain straight. Look ahead. Hold for a few seconds breathing normally. Repeat for a few times holding on for a count of thirty.

 Yogic diet for toning up upper arms-


*For toning up any part of the body what is required is a combination of diet and exercise.


*The most important part of dieting is to ensure that it lasts.


*Drink plenty of water as it will flush out the toxin and hence helps in toning up the body and the upper arms.


*Eat apples as it is a natural fat burner. Pectin in apples encourages water absorption from the rest of what you eat. This helps to dissolve fat faster.


*Low fat dairy tones up muscles.


*Oatmeal fills up your stomach fat. It also spikes metabolism by almost 10 per cent.






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