Tips for Keeping your House Baby Safe

Posted by Anne Trueman on Thu, Mar 13, 2014  
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Have a baby at your home? You have to be extra cautious! ‘Baby-proofing’ literally implies making the home environment safe for your tiny toddler by reducing the risk posed by dangerous things.


As soon as the baby is two months, start planning for the safety of your baby. This is the time when your little one starts moving around and keeping you on your toes all the time.


Below are listed some effective tips that will help you in keeping your baby safe and secure.


Take baby’s-eye view-


See as the baby sees. Get on your knees and crawl like baby and see how the room looks like from baby’s angle. Note down what are the things within reach and where would you go while crawling like a baby.


Lock the drawers; cupboards and other spaces which are easily accessible for your child.


Kitchen chaos-


Kids love to topple everything in the kitchen-be it green vegetables or dried spices.


They love the falling of utensils and bang spoons and forks on the floor. Keep the cutlery out of child’s reach. Be careful of your kitchen which otherwise may turn out to be a dangerous place for tiny toddlers. Keep all the low level cabinets properly locked and gas cylinders out of their access. The best way to do so is to lock the cabinet harboring cylinder. Lighters and match boxes should be kept at secure places. Cover the electrical plugs and sockets; applying tape is a safe way to abstain kids from probing their tiny fingers in them. Unplug the electrical appliances after using them. Kids love to explore the refrigerator as it is one of their most sought after place to look for new and attractive eatables. Remember to lock the refrigerator if you are planning to keep your house baby-proof.


Glass tables-


One of the notorious culprits breeching your child’s security is the glass table particularly the ones with sharp edges. My recommendation to you is to use tables with rounded and smooth corners and not sharp edged. You can even install table corner guards for minimizing the threat posed by sharp edges.


Babies are also fond of investigating bathrooms. Make sure to properly cover the taps and handles with faucet cover or cloth.


These simple tips are very useful in providing a safe and secure environment for your kids.


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