Time to have a Baby!

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Tue, Mar 27, 2012  
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Doctors are of opinion that having a baby in your 20s is best. Life is not the same when you have a baby or for that matter when you conceive from that time itself your whole life changes. During the pregnancy you will have to just deal with nausea and discomfort, but when the baby comes you are stuck and you become a slave to the cherubic, bubble blowing pink creature for the rest of your life. Every decision of your life will be influenced by this little creature.


The best time to have your children is in your 20s because your body is at your healthiest and fittest. On top of that looking after an infant and a toddler requires lot f stamina and you can be at your best when you are young. But having your first baby in your 30s is not impossible. After 30s if you have a family history of health issues like hypertension, diabetes and gynecological problems, then definitely you need to consult the doctor before conceiving. But generally these problems crop up when you are nearing your forties. One should keep a track of blood pressure and blood sugar because these can seriously affect your baby. Be serious about regular checkups and undergo all the tests that the doctor recommends.


Particularly after 37 women produces less number of eggs and they are less healthy and by the time you are 41 naturally conceiving a baby becomes difficult. Other than aging obesity, smoking and alcohol are the causes of bad ovarian health. But remember it is not only the women, but both male and female factors contribute to infertility. The main cause of male infertility is low count and poor quality of sperm. Men generally don’t have problem with the sperm quality till the age of 60 where as for women the egg quality starts deteriorating by the age of 40.


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