The wonders of KACHI HALDI

Posted by SHALINI BANSAL on Tue, Sep 10, 2013  
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Many a times as practising doctors we come across patients who complain of burning sensation in the stomach and as doctors we prescribe all forms of antacids but little is said about the wonders of raw turmeric in its tuberous form. Haldi as is commonly known works wonders when taken daily on an empty stomach in all forms of acidity  attacks and continuous use of it not only wards off the acid attacks, but also helps in worm infestations. This is one habit which I have inculcated in my children albeit forcefully but when compared to other kids I find my kids with  a better immunity. Not only this it also helps in healing of the wounds and the age old haldi in milk is actually a remedy for the aching bones. As a private practioner I advise patients to take antacids with the juice of raw turmeic and although they protest vehemently but come back with a smiling face andtjis is what we all need..


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    Thursday, December 11, 2014 AarMom

    Please advice how can I give Kachi haldi to my 3 yr old son. Should it be given in the juice form or mixed with something? I need to boost his immunity and there is some worms issue as well. Many thanks in advance!

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