A wise man once said "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person".
Have you ever wondered what is the secret to a long successful and a happy marriage? Well even after being married for 16 years now I still find myself looking out for this beautiful recipe which leads to a happy and a healthy marriage. Well as they say a marriage is a commitment for life . It brings in two people who love each other and are committed to bringing out the best in each other. A wife and a husband are each other's best friends , confidant, lover, listener and a critic. Here are few small but significant gestures one can incorporate in their day to day lives.
• A good communication between the partners is a must as it helps in understanding each other's feelings and emotions.
• Being a good listener is again vital for a healthy marriage sometimes all your partner needs is to be listened to. So folks pay attention to what they want to say.
• Being honest with each other plays a huge part in a good marriage. Be clear in expressing your feelings and intentions.
• One must keep the spark alive by adding in humour and fun into your relationship therefore take some time out and try and venture out to new places together.
• It may sound obvious but never forget to show the one you are with, how much you love and care for him or her.
• A kiss or a warm hug can do all the magic. A happy marriage has an environment of positive energy, which includes appreciation and gratitude.
• Recognise that the external conditions in life will not always be smooth and that internally your mind and emotions will get stuck in negativity.
Avoid sarcasm, criticism, contempt in your relationships.
• The secret to a healthy relationship is to inculcate healthy daily habits as opposed to destructive habits and create a positive atmosphere around you....let the gestures be small or even may be unnoticeable, for instance sending him or her a sweet text , complementing your partner at the end of the day and so on.....
• Research has proven that a hug lasting for more than 20 seconds helps in releasing oxytocin which is said to be the bonding hormone.
"A great marriage is not when the perfect couple comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences".
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