Teaching your Kids to give you Space for Romance

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Sun, Mar 20, 2011  
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You are your child’s best example for everything in life. And so you should be careful with all your actions. Your child needs to learn from watching the two of you together that marital relationship is important and has been given its due. As she grows up watching you make the effort to stay close, it will inspire her to do the same with her spouse, laying the foundations of strong relationships for generations to come.


The first step is to get rid of guilt about not being the perfect mother. But why does a woman forget that she also needs fulfillment in her emotional life? If kids are our responsibility, your relationship with your spouse is important, too. More than that, it is a unique emotional bond that fills a gap nothing else can. We all feel generous and loving with our children after having a lovely fun-filled evening with our partner. This is a proof that you can make your children and others around happy only when you feel happy and fulfilled from within. So even if you hate to be selfish just romance your spouse only for the sake of your kids.


Things that you should teach your kids:


*Teach your kids to knock before they enter the bedroom.


*Set aside one day a week to go out together or just spend time at home by your selves. Slowly your kids will accept the sanctity of your “together- hours”, and learn to leave you alone.


*Don’t always say go and play or watch TV. After a while your child will start resenting this dismissive approach, and is sure to complain that you have no time for them. Suggest some interesting ways for her to occupy herself-may be drop her at a friend’s place, give her an art and craft project, or else give her a book that will keep her busy. If nothing works invest in a good baby sitter and enjoy romancing.


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