Stress and its Management

Posted by Thelma Maria Simon on Fri, Nov 9, 2012  
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Stress as we all know is the most common distracter of today’s life. Stress has found its way up the ladder in reducing the quality of life of the individuals. Stress is needed in moderation by every human being to lead a normal healthy life. If it crosses the normal threshold, then the problem arises.


Stress can be internal or external. Each individual perceives it differently. For some individuals, minimal amount of stress in enough to make them feel stressed. Whereas; for few individuals large threshold of stress is required to make them feel stressed.


Stress has been present from time since. It has in fact led to a variety of evolutionary changes, like today’s humans are evolved in ways to combat stress naturally than what was not present in our ancestors.


Each individual has looked upon stress differently. For instance, stress has been viewed positively has helped individuals to achieve things successfully while those who see it negatively have landed up for therapeutic interventions. In most situations stress has been self-limiting.


Stress when being complained by someone needs constant evaluation. One can tend to overlook stress, thinking not always it results in health complications. But we need to remember that over the period of time if not intervened, stress can lead to various habits forming such as alcohol, smoking, drugs or withdrawal from self and peers.


In extreme stage, when left uncared, the inability to overcome stress may lead one to commit suicide as they may feel, ending ones life is more easy than living with stress without any help.


Various simple steps can cope stress up easily. Creating awareness on the various coping strategies can help prevent the adverse effects of stress. The strategies can be from simple deep breathing, talking out, diverting by listening to music etc to steps like meeting a counselor, getting therapeutic assistance and professional interventions.


The most commonly used stress buster is finding someone to talk to or venting out. The other strategy used is performing the progressive muscle relaxation. This does not need any special time or place to perform. It can be performed while at the office desk or in kitchen or even while watching your favorite program on TV.


All we need to do is just start to tense the muscles of the body, hold on for few seconds and then slowly relax. This has to be repeated to all the muscles that one feels will help in relaxing them fully. Many people tend to follow a pattern to relax as that which they feel comfortable with.


Yoga and meditation have also proven to give the best result in reducing stress. Above all, stress is never problematic unless until one feels so. Talk out freely, form close groups, share your thoughts and feelings, relax yourself, eat healthy, do physical activity, enjoy life as it comes. All these will waive off stress and help us to lead a healthy stress free life.


“Smile, it Costs Nothing”


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