Posted by SHRINIWAS JANARDAN KASHALIKAR on Thu, Feb 23, 2012  
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Stress of aging is usually associated with dwindling of efficiency of all the body systems and organs including reproductive system and gonads; and debility, dependence, disease, despondence, despair, decreased income, and dejection; which are frightening. Most importantly this stress makes us indifferent and listless. The romance in our life gets dissipated.


The scenario of aging appears almost unavoidable and insurmountable; to many of us bordering the 40s, 50s and 60s; if we have not yet “enjoyed” or “accomplished” to our satisfaction. This feeling of “much to be enjoyed and achieved; while time is running out” makes us losers and unromantic.


The guides in print and electronic media on fitness, home remedies, diet, exercise, yogasanas, entertainment, hobbies and charitable activities are in plenty. The guidance in all these is valuable for us to improve health, avoid disease, preserve independence, develop fitness, enhance performance, stamina, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, physical form, looks etc. and also engage in philanthropy so as to age romantic. We take regular bath, eat green leafy vegetables and sprouted beans and other nutritionally rich foods, drink cow milk with halad [turmeric] and sunth [dried ginger], practice pranayama, exercises, yogasanas, joyously entertain themselves and others through our hobbies, and do lot of philanthropic work so as to age romantic.


But we have to introspect and find out why we fail to age romantic!


Is it because do not se the relevance; of the holistic perspective, policy making and its implementation; in romance?   


Do majority of us tend to think in a sectarian and fragmented manner, (especially when they are not criminals, vicious or bad as such) and lose romance?


Is it because the holistic perspective; is not being studied, understood, assimilated, promoted and propagated adequately; thereby keeping our souls dry and devoid of the ambrosia of romance? If yes; why is this so?


Is this because the holistic perspective is not recognized as the urgent necessity for but our own hearts, souls and conscience; besides the basic needs of billions?


Do we not feel that holistic perspective, policies, programs, plans and their implementation; can quench our innate cores and are equally or even more important than many of our needs?


What is the reason for such unawareness about the dire need of understanding, practice and propagation of holistic perspective, policies, plans, programs and their implementation in revitalizing the sublime romance in us?


What is the reason for the dearth of motivation amongst us; who are apparently intelligent, kind hearted and well meaning; in rejuvenating ourselves with this cosmic romance of holistic perspective?


Is the reason of aging pathetically hidden in our ego, our passionate involvement in our subjective self identity, our strong and selective sentiments about our own bodily, emotional, intellectual and other considerations?


Does our ego prevent us from zealously acquiring and sharing the objective romance?  


Do we choose to remain content or unhappy in our subjective “achievements” or “failures” respectively and tend to ignore the sap of the romance of being objectively benevolent?  


Are we unable to see the benevolence of objective romance because of undue egoistic apprehension and judgmental attitude; about the “shortcomings or drawbacks” of our partners?


Are we unable to rise above our relationship/s and prejudices, centered on ego and reach out to the romantic core of the other persons?


Do we; more often than not; ridicule and oppose such efforts of sharing objective or holistic romance; actively or passively and overtly or covertly; and knowingly or unknowingly; and boost the ego centered sectarian and retrogressive forces? Do we infect the others also; with our cynicism?


Is it true that frequently our ego is associated with; not merely our material success in terms of popularity, power or prosperity; but even our egalitarianism, and righteousness, thereby rendering us obnoxiously unromantic and repulsive?


Are we unable to penetrate and rise above the “clouds of our ego” and enjoy the “romantic sky of universal unity”?


Is it because we are unable “see” and even strive for the magnanimity of the romance beyond our ego?


Is it because we do not try to realize; the role of holistic and objective wisdom born out of NAMASMARAN; in rejuvenating, revitalizing and reorienting us to our true self which is in continuity with the cosmic romance?


Can we not appreciate the super romance involved in realization of true self and its expression for individual and global blossoming; and thus age romantic?   


Don’t we realize that the eternal romance called RUHANI ISHK keeps on blossoming like the unending ambrosia permanently engrained in our brain, and is beyond ego and body capacity?


Don’t we realize that NAMASMARAN and the Total Stress Management (the holistic perspective, policies, programs, planning and their implementation) are vital in aging sublimely and immortally romantic; even if sex hormones, genitals, muscles, which are preliminary and peripheral means or tools of reproduction and initiation of the romance, reduced?




1. Stress: Understanding and Management; Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar

2. Namasmaran: Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar

3. Smiling Sun: Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar

4. Conceptual Stress: Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar

5. New Study of Bhagavad Geeta: Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar

6. Holistic Medicine: Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar

7. Holistic Health: Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar

8. Namasmaran (Marathi): Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar

9. Tanavmukti (Marathi): Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar (Assistance Dr. Suhas Mhetre)

10. Bhovara (Marathi): Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar

11. Sahasranetra (Comprehension of Vishnusahasranam; Marathi): Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar

12. Thakawa Ghalwa (Marathi): Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar

13. Tanavmuktisathi Upayukta Lekh (Marathi): Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar

14. SUPERLIVING: (English) Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar

15. SUPERLIVING: (Marathi) Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar


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