Snacks that help keep weight off

Posted by Maulishree Jhawer on Thu, Mar 15, 2012  
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High fiber snacks namely raw vegetables, fruits, whole grain crackers, cereals, soups with lots of vegetables, 100 percent fruit or vegetable juice, nuts, dried fruits, buttermilk, skim milk, low fat cheese and popcorn among others primarily  keep weight off.


It is essential to make the above your preferred choices over easily available cookies, crackers, chips, cream biscuits. The refined sugars present in the latter increase rather than decrease appetite by spiking both blood sugar and insulin levels. Frequent sudden blood sugar and insulin spiking predisposes one to diabetes. This sequence of events also causes storage of fat around the abdomen, buttocks and thighs.


Chopped fruits and veggies, packed in sealed plastic bags makes an excellent high fiber, nutritious, satisfying snack. Dried fruits such as figs, prunes, apricots, almonds are also great on the go high fiber, low caloric foods. These are high in essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals too.


In order to boost energy levels, combine the above snacks with lean protein. The digestion and absorption of the fiber- protein complex takes place at a much slower rate, which results in a gradual rise in sugar and a very moderate rise in insulin levels. This cut down ones risk to lifestyle related diseases and curtails fat deposition. Also the appetite is satisfied more quickly and for a longer period of time, which results in a lesser overall caloric consumption.


Peanut butter or low fat cheese with wheat breads, crackers or pita bread is a nutritious option. Oatmeal or wheat germ added to low fat curds, skim milk combined with cereals, sprouts on toast are a few more protein rich healthy pick ons.


Be cautious enough to stay away from packaged snacks as they could be loaded with sugar, saturated and trans fat. Make sure you read the nutrition label thoroughly before choosing any snack food.


We must make sure to have some handy healthy snack always available with us. Believe it or not! It is indeed the secret formula for remaining fit and guilt free.


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