Signs of Child Abuse

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Mon, Sep 23, 2013  
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Child abuse is becoming very rampant. And sorry to say that child abuse starts from home, so as parents we need to be very careful. Here’s how you can spot a few warning signs of various forms of abuse children might face.


A child who is emotionally abused is always scared. They have extreme behavior either he or she is extremely quite or overtly aggressive. He or she is not attached to anybody be it her friends, care takers or even parents.


The most clear sign of physical abuse in children are frequent signs of injuries like burns, cuts or any other kids of marks in the body. He will have bruises that cannot be explained by falls. Children sometimes wear inappropriate clothing to hide their wound.


The most common signs of neglected child can found out when he or she wears dirty clothes, who are unbathed with unkept hair. They frequently miss schools without any reason.


Signs of physical abuse in children can be found out when child expresses pain while walking or sitting or if she or he indulges in seductive behavior. Age inappropriate behavior is another sign of sexual abuse in children. Sometimes they become withdrawn too.


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