Beat the Stress

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Mon, Sep 23, 2013  
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Living life in the fast lane is so ingrained in us that we rarely stop to think of the damage it causes to our bodies. I guess it is now time to slow down and do the needful to lead healthy and happy life. I feel being a woman is all the more stressful since you have to handle a lot of things which a man doesn’t have to.


You are worried and tired before a presentation or stressed about your family. Stress is a never ending process and it is becoming increasingly common amongst women. Stress is a never-ending problem, which can make you sick. It can worsen or increase the risk of conditions like obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, depression and even gastrointestinal problems.


Trembling hands, nervous twitches, sleepless nights, hunger pangs in the mid-night, palpitation, breaking out into a cold sweat are all unpleasant stress reactions.


If you see these stress triggers in yourself then it is time to recognize them. Remember time is a great healer and take one day at a time. Live a healthy lifestyle. Do your work and work till your body and mind can take it. Don’t stress yourself about what others are talking behind your back. Turn a deaf ear to any kind of negative criticism. Exercise or do yoga. If you are fond of reading or gardening then do that because that will de-stress you and make you feel better. Develop hobbies and I am sure these simple self-help ways will keep you fit, happy and stress-free for the rest of your life.


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