Poor table manners – A major concern

Posted by Thelma Maria Simon on Fri, Feb 8, 2013  
No of Views(3967)

Eating is an everyday activity. Majority use the dining table, while few follow traditional methods of serving and eating food. Whatever the method, following decency and manners while having food is mandatory in every culture and community.


Many at times we have come across people in public eating-places who have the least botheration in following table manners. They have no consideration for people eating beside them. Starting from the way they chew their food to the way they burp in front of others are the various scenarios one gets to come across in everyday ventures.


Some of the most common negative habits that we see are:

* Making noise while chewing food

* Eating with open mouth

* Touching the utensils like spoons etc to serve with soiled hands (same hand used for eating)

* Burping in public

* Vacating the table to wash hands without asking for excuse or waiting for others to finish

* Putting the waste on the table than placing it in the waste bowl

* Coughing with food in mouth

* Picking the tooth while at the table

* Talking with a full mouth

* Reaching over others plate to take something

* And the list goes on


Every member may come across various irritating manners people follow. It is necessary that this habit be learnt from childhood. It is the duty of the parents and teachers to educate the children on good table manners. Following good table manners not only improves the standard of an individual but also increases the respect for them in the society.


Some of the positive habits one needs to inculcate are:

* Proper use of napkin to cover the lap

* Food passing etiquette

* Not to chew food with open mouth

* Not to talk with full mouth

* Ordering food and eating in a group

* And the list goes on


Healthy eating habit along with healthy table manners is one that would help in the improvement of an individual. Inculcate these habits and lead a dignified life.


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