obesity: no more a fear factor now!

Posted by Bliteclinic on Wed, Mar 23, 2011  
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You can definitely load up on ice-cream and French fries as long as you exercise enough to burn them off. But running to meet deadlines, whether at work place or at home has become a part of our daily routine. When people don’t have enough time to maintain a good diet, how can someone think of a scheduled workout or so? The problem of Obesity is escalating everywhere.  Childhood obesity has also increased over the times. Obesity is a progressive disease which shortens life expectancy and is associated with wide range of serious medical problems.

When we think for the solution of obesity, science has definitely contributed a lot. Bariatric Surgery is one of the solutions for obesity. Dr.Manish Motwani (B-Lite Clinic, Mumbai +91 9321140405), a bariatric surgeon says, “Bariatric surgery consists of a group of surgical operations designed to achieve both meaningful and sustainable weight loss. These procedures involve surgically manipulating the stomach to reduce food intake and in some cases to reduce the absorption of calories onto the bodies.”

Cost of bariatric surgery: Cost of bariatric surgery means cost from the patient’s pocket. To discussbroadly on the cost of bariatric surgery, it is important to know the types of bariatric surgery. There are three types of bariatric surgery .These three types of bariatric surgery includes Restrictive (It is the one in which the stomach is made smaller to restrict the quantity of food that can be consumed. Another type of bariatric surgery is Malabsorptive (It is the one that involves cutting and re-routing/bypassing the part of small intestine, which is the major nutritional absorptive part. The last type of bariatric surgery is Combination or a hybrid procedure (Restrictive +Malabsorptive. It is the one which involves restricting the stomach size and bypassing part of small intestine. Thus the cost of bariatric surgery differs for different types of bariatric surgery.

Approximate cost of these surgeries would range anywhere from 2 to 5 lakhs depending on the type on surgery required, risk factors involved and other factors which are evaluated patient wise.




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