No more Scars

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Tue, Dec 14, 2010  
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In a relationship emotional abuse can be more dangerous than physical abuse. The lack of physical proof makes situation even worse. “Both results in a broken spirit. A victim of physical abuse possesses evidence to validate his or her claims. The physical wounds may not be seen, but emotional battering leaves deeper scars,” say psychologist, Dr. Anjali Chabria.

 Those suffering from emotional abuse suffer from depression, anxiety and psychological disorder. They may become dependent on sleeping pills and other forms of addiction. What makes it worse is that the victim’s family may not recognize it.

 Depriving some one of any thing they need is a form of emotional abuse. This includes emotional neglect, holding back affection, using abusive words, criticizing for nothing, disrespecting them and even ignoring their presence. This kind of emotional abuse has become very rampant amongst today’s urban class. Even financial independence cannot protect us from it. One may enjoy financial freedom and still be a victim of emotional abuse. In a marriage the abuser may belittle the spouse and ignore him or her in front of out siders. The abuser may decide to give every one else more importance, making the victim feel worth-less.

Emotional abusive behaviour happens all around us, but we are unable to detect it.  In fact some times we even know that we are being neglected, but we are unable to identify the abuse. As a result, victims try to explain the abusive behaviour and end up blaming them selves for the harsh words. Emotional abuse is sometimes considered to be petty complaints. Lack of proof of injury stops them from seeking help. Sometimes the abusers are even labeled as ‘mad’ or ‘nag pot’.

 Now the question arises what does an abuser do? One of the first steps victims should take is to stop blaming themselves for the abusers ill- treating them. Also contrary to the popular belief the person who is being abused leads a very normal life for the people who see him every day or once in a while. It is very difficult to find out the emotional turmoil the person goes through. Emotional abuse not only happens in marriages. Parents can be also abusive in their way towards their children. They might neglect the kids or even put him or her down in front on friends or siblings. Constantly comparing a child with some other kid or may be even his own brother or sister and saying that he is worthless can cause untold damage to the child.

 It is difficult to find any concrete solution with out identifying the problem. Most effective protection against emotional abuse is information. Emotional abuse can crush one’s self esteem and hence it is important for us to find out if we are being emotionally abused and at the same time help people around us who are being emotionally abused in every step of their life. This is the only way we can regain their self-worth.


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  • avatar
    Tuesday, December 14, 2010 mitamajumdar

    Sometimes, even if you realize that you are being emotionally and mentally abused by your spouse/parent, there is very little you can DO about it. Seeking professional or other help may not always be possible or feasible for the abused person. A family oriented society, such as in India, makes it difficult for a woman in abusive relationship to quit her marital home. Sometimes, a woman may not WANT to leave the person for various reasons ... relationships are complex - be it parent-child, husband-wife, or even siblings. Each situation needs its own unique solution even if the problem is identified.

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