My Man My Hero

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Thu, Aug 29, 2013  
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When men take the initiative of helping you out in the kitchen and in the house things gets so much easier and I have seen when this is the situation in the house the husband and wife tend to bond better. Helping your wife or mother at home does not make you less of a man.


Sannuthi said, “Both of us are working and especially during the rush hours in the morning, mu husband helps me out in the kitchen. He makes the coffee and fries the eggs. And I on the other hand make the sandwiches for the snack box that my son carries. He bathes my son and I dress him up.” Sannuthi’s husband is actually echoing the broad minded mentality of many men of his generation.


As more and more families are living in a nuclear set set-up, it is becoming natural for the husbands to lend a helping hand. Men are now taking the initiative of cleaning the house. Men who would earlier hang up their boots are now happily washing dishes, cleaning, dusting, cooking and even changing diapers.


Helping each other out at home helps in creating a strong bond in the relationship. So men are indeed breaking the stereotype and don’t mind being emotional and showing affection in public.  Happiness is a state of mind and a little bit of love and affection in a relationship can actually boost up your emotional and physical health!



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