Know About Echinacea!

Posted by Anne Trueman on Mon, Apr 7, 2014  
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Echinacea belongs to the family Asteraceae and is popularly known as coneflowers. The herbaceous plant is found extensively in central and eastern North America.


The tender Echinacea has numerous spines identical to that of hedgehog. In Greek the word ‘Echinacea’ means sea urchin.


Benefits of Echinacea-

Echinacea is referred as a ‘cure all’ or ‘universal medicine’. It is known to have immense benefits in various health ailments particularly flu and cold.


The amazing herb is also effective in reducing inflammation and controls the menace caused by running nose and sore throat.


Boosts Immunity-

A strong immunity is the essence of staying fit. Echinacea has some miraculous immunity-enhancing qualifies. A strong immunity helps you fight invading infections and keeps you healthy.


Anti-fungal properties-

The occurrence of fungal infections such as skin infections, vaginal infections, respiratory infections, etc. can be avoided by the use of Echinacea, be it tablets, syrup, tea, or any other commercially available form of this wonder herb.


Though Echinacea is beneficial for you, still there are certain conditions where it should not be used.


Immunocompromised individuals, those using antidepressants, diabetics and people with tuberculosis should not use Echinacea.


Another important point to remember is that Echinacea should not be taken for long durations.


Lactating and pregnant women should not use Echinacea in any form because its safety for the baby is yet to be proven scientifically.



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