Keeping Fit at Office

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Mon, Jan 31, 2011  
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To be fit does not mean that you should be just physically fit. Total health involves looking inwards for physical, emotional and spiritual well being. One should never abuse the body. Anger, shouting, increases the blood pressure, increases the heart rate, interrupts digestion, lowers the immune response and depletes the body of major nutrients like vitamin C and B complexes. One must not get handicapped if one cannot hit the gym. There are many exercises one can do at home with out using the equipments. To get started, even as little as 30 to 45 minutes a day for 4 to 5 days in a week will transform you into a healthy and wholesome individual.


Fitness tips you can follow despite your long working hours-


*Try to find some time to fit in some exercise if not much into your busy working day. You can start with a moderate cardio activity like taking the stairs or walking to your office.


*When ever you get time, interlock your hands, stretch up and hold the stretch for few seconds. These are excellent stretches for the back, shoulder and cervical region.


* While you are working on the computer you can do some basic exercises like neck rotation, looking side to side and shoulder shrugs.


*While sitting, stretch your legs, keep your toes pointed and rotate your ankles- clockwise and anti-clockwise.


*While sitting on the chair, clasp hands behind your head, bend to one side and try and touch the elbow to the arm rest.


*When you are in your cabin alone or at a coffee break you can do side leg raises. Hold the back rest of the chair, list the leg onto one side and hold for three seconds.


*Clasp the hands behind the head and try and push the head against the hands. Resist the push with your hands and maintain the push for five seconds. Repeat for ten counts.


*Stair climbing: Climb up a flight of stairs and climb down. Repeat it four times.


*Pranayams like anulom-vilom, kapalbhati and om chanting exercises can be done during the breaks. These breathing exercises help revitalize the body, bring clarity to the mind and help your mind and body work in harmony to liberate you from worry, tension and fatigue.


The other thing that should be kept in mind is diet and nutrition. Most executives, due to the work pressure skip their breakfast and compensate it with countless cups of tea, coffee, cookies and samosas and frequent restaurants or depend on the office canteen for lunch and dinner, which eventually affects their health. Stay hydrated. Drink at least eight to ten glasses of water. Eat small meals with fruits as snacks in between. Avoid fried food, sweets, desserts, soft drinks and packaged juices. Avoid whole milk products, processed foods and any salty snacks.


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    Saturday, February 5, 2011 aquamarine

    very informative. loved every bit of it!

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