Its my teeth (Part 2)

Posted by Sudarshan Ramachandran on Tue, Apr 22, 2014  
No of Views(4434)

Our teeth are subjected to various stress and irritation. Such stress could be normal, physical or chemical process. These processes produce change in structure of teeth or loss of teeth in severe cases.

As age progresses surface of the teeth become flat. It is a common phenomenon for both male and female. But in certain individual, such severe flattening can be seen in younger age. It could be due severe emotional stress or night grinding of teeth. So night grinding is manifested as morning wakening of pain in jaw and severe flat teeth. Usually such flat teeth will not produce any pain or sensitivity. But as flattening progresses it removes enamel and may expose dentin resulting in sensitivity. If the flattening progress to pulp it produces pain. This can be prevented in the early stage by filling the exposed portion of teeth. But if it severe the teeth need root canal therapy and followed by replacement with cap.

We brush our teeth everyday but certain issues to be remembered are:

1.       Brushing method

2.       Duration of brushing

3.       Pressure application while brushing


4.       Frequent change of brush

5.       Brush thickness according to the need suggested by dentist

Improper methods may result in loss of surface on those areas of improper brushing especially the side portion of the teeth. Surface of teeth could also be lost because of regular vomiting, gastritis, indigestion and most important thing is alcohol or carbonated drinks. All these factors are chemical substances producing alteration in the teeth.

Teeth undergo change in color because of many factors. It is one of the factor the patient approaches the dentist. Factors that produce stains in the teeth are

1.       Food and habits: Our regular diet can discolor our teeth. Frequent consumption of coffee, tea, and smoking can induce black color of the teeth.

2.       Improper brushing: Discontinuous brushing or improper brushing causes accumulation of plaque that produces yellowish white color of teeth.

3.       Flourosis: Increased fluoride concentration in water can produce increased whiteness of teeth or brown color of teeth

4.       Drugs: Long term use of certain medicines can induce stains in the teeth.

5.       Caries: Tooth affected by caries produces brown to black color of the teeth

6.       Teeth surface loss: Our dentin below the outer enamel is yellow in color. So if any condition causing the enamel loss produces yellowish color.

7.       Pregnancy: Certain drug intake during this pregnancy phase without physician consent can affect the baby. Some drugs like tetracycline can stain the baby teeth. It may affect both the milk tooth and permanent teeth. It may produce yellow discoloration.

8.       Shock to teeth: We undergo many fall or accident during our life. Such fall may have an impact to the teeth. This result may cause pulp to die. Dead pulp may change the color of the teeth to black.

9.       Mouth wash: Continuing use of certain mouth wash can stain the teeth.

10.     Fillings in teeth: Caries or tooth surface loss need dental cement filling. Over the course of days these filling discolor and needs replacement.

A proper care is needed for our teeth. Our smile, food and emotions need teeth. Regular dentist consultation could prevent above mentioned disturbance and loss of the teeth.


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