Is Your Promotion In Danger Due To Lack Of Concentration?

Posted by Poonam B on Wed, Jan 23, 2019  
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Are you reaching late at work more often? Do you have caffeine to avoid dozing off during work? These might be warning signs of ADD! (Attention Deficit Disorder)

You must be thinking, ‘But only notorious and rowdy kids have ADD, how can I as an adult suffer from it?’ The flashing news is that- ADD is not just for kids nowadays! As an adult, you may not realize it, but it does affect your everyday life.

What is ADD?

Attention Deficit Disorder is a behavioral disorder. Remember IU for ADD!

  • Inattention
  • Unfocused

Love the puff of smoke and zest of alcohol?

Researchers think they might be the culprit for ADD in adults.

Does your husband or wife accuse you of not listening to him/her or ‘the most disorganized person in the world’?

ADD can create havoc in your relationship too. Seize this agitating disorder at right time!

What does ADD make itself recognizable in me?

  • You have too many late-marks in a row.
  • You might feel the absence of excitement while working.
  • Someone might catch you daydreaming.
  • While reading a newspaper article, you may lose the focus and start thinking about something else.
  • Your boss has setup deadline for a project and you are struggling to complete it. You haven’t reached half of it and it ends tomorrow.

Who can help me for ADD?

 Trained professionals can help you by cognitive therapy, educational guidance, and vocational counseling.

There is no great help than ‘Self-Help’.

So arm yourself to face the challenges put forward by ADD by ‘eating right’ and conquer it!

A strict No-No to the energy drinks, even the fancy advertisements force you to gulp down the energy drinks. They are loaded with sugars and caffeine which are not health benefits.

Say a big Thank You to Our Mother Nature who has gifted us with healthy foods that can boost your concentration, help you stay focused and improve your mood.

Opt for Smart foods/drinks and increase your productivity at work, reduce your strained relationships.

Perk up with a cup of Green Tea and it will: Improve your mental alertness and focus

It contains:

  • Modest amount of caffeine
  • Amino acid-Theanine

If you are on your toes and in a hurry, just grab a Banana and it will: Keep your brain, nerves, and boost your concentration.

It contains:


Two servings of fish weekly will: Improve your memory.

It contains:

Omega-3 fatty acids

One handful of Nuts will: Help you stay focused.

It contains:

Antioxidant vitamin E

An Egg a day will: Improve your memory, mood and maintain good health of your brain tissues.

It contains:

Omega-3 fatty acid

The red, mouth-watering tomatoes will: Avoid cell damage and increase your attention span and problem-solving skills.

It contains:



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