Drinking Milk And The Importance Of Posture While Eating And Drinking

Posted by Antony76 on Wed, Jan 16, 2019  
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Milk and general wellbeing go hand - in - hand and is an integral part of growing up during our life span. Let us see how drinking milk in a specific position can be beneficial or vice versa for our general well-being. Have you known about a recent controversy with regards to how to drink milk in a specific posture, regardless of whether to stand while drinking milk or sit? There are some logical reasons as per which drinking milk in a sitting position is preferred and more beneficial over drinking it while standing. As indicated by Ayurveda, milk is viewed as a vital health drink during our life span, consequently you should guarantee that you are drinking milk in the correct stance.

Drink Milk In A Sitting Posture Logically, drinking milk while standing makes the liquid hit the lower part that is the oesophagus. Over a period of time, this may result in the enlargement or unwinding of the sphincter which connects the stomach to the oesophagus. This might lead to a condition known as GERD or Gastroesophageal reflux disease. From Ayurvedic perspective, drinking milk or any liquid in a standing position is not advisable. Numerous researchers propose that this standard exists due to beneficial reasons. Also, drinking milk in a standing position may cause another issue. For example if you consume half a litre of milk. The stomach's capacity is between 900 to 1500 millimetres and all of sudden you feel a sense of fullness because of the content taken. This may result in stomach pain or for that matter in medical terms a colic shock due to the volume of milk taken.

When you drink milk in a sitting position, the stomach won't extend as a result of the help it gets from the stomach cavity, which in turn is bolstered by your thighs. Why To Drink Milk In Ayurveda -

• In Ayurveda, milk is an exceedingly helpful drink

• Milk can help in adjusting Vata and Pitta dosha in body

• As indicated by Ayurveda, milk is viewed as the most soothing, calming and supporting nourishment

• It is an ideal nourishment for you, which you have been acclimatised right from birth

• Milk is an ideal nourishment for your reproductive system, enhancing your sex drive and quality of sperms in men

• When you need to get more fit and lose weight, it is an ideal nourishment and for fulfilling your thirst

• Milk induces a feeling of soothing and fulfilment in various kinds of ailments and sicknesses

• Milk is fundamental for your psyche, for youngsters and is additionally utilized for treating depression.

Numerous individuals contend that there is no logical reason related with sitting and drinking milk which in turn induces more benefits. It has been demonstrated scientifically that it is ideal and beneficial to eat or drink anything in a sitting posture rather standing. Stay Healthy, Stay Fit, Stay Hydrated!


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