Posted by Thelma Maria Simon on Tue, Feb 12, 2013  
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Gone are the days when people walked miles to office or to do their regular chores. Forgotten are those days when people spent hours together in kitchen for cooking as every spices used for cooking was pounded and ground by hand. Very few people these days follow these styles of cooking that not only enhances the flavor of the food we eat, but is also a wonderful way of keeping the body physically active.


In this busy world we know that we are all addicted to the electronic modes of cooking, the motor mode of transport and the technology mode of commuting. This has made the major part of the population lead a sedentary life with no physical activity. Every individual needs to do some form of the physical activity daily. Lack of this not only hampers the health of the individual but also leads to a variety of deficiency to the human body, the main being lack of enormous oxygen to the blood stream.


A minimum of 30mins walk is necessary for the every individual. Some prefer taking a long morning/evening walk, while some spend time in gym for workouts, while some prefer cleaning and mopping the house and washing clothes manually than using vacuum cleaners or washing machines. Some even today prefer grounding and pounding the spices for cooking, to keep up their physical level of activity.


The major benefits of physical activity are:

* It helps to control the weight of the individual

* It improves the health condition of the person

* It helps to improve the mood of the person by providing positive energy

* It boosts the energy level of the individual due to increased cardiac activity

* It helps to promote sleep, as it’s already an energy booster

* It helps to boost up the sex life of the individual

* It helps to build bonds between people when done regularly and in groups


So, from now try to do some or the other forms of physical activity that would help you to improve your life. It could be using the stairs to climb instead of elevators, walking to the bus stop to take a bus to the work area than using own vehicle, manually cleaning the house every week, take a morning walk in the beach or park that provides enormous oxygen and the list goes on.


Have a healthy life.


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