How You Can Realize Your Full Potential In Life.

Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Sat, Jan 30, 2010  
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Everyone is born with certain good qualities and talents in life. It is wrong to assume that some have no talents or potential at all. God the Almighty puts us all into this earth with equal talents and potential. It just happens that some of us are not able to fully explore them and use them. Yes, it depends on each one of us to explore our potential and use it to the maximum.


Talents and potential lie in not in just possessing them but in utilizing them. I would just like to draw everyone’s attention to the fact that has been quoted by many great men that you are as the company you keep. Your company determines what you are and the altitude to which you can rise. It all depends on us to choose the company that could help us to rise to great heights. If one mixes with petty minded, negative and complaining people, so shall we be. Negative thinking and thoughts are infective. However one can avoid it also by finding out the opportunities hidden in the midst of adversity.  Just to quote an example, all of us wish that our children should come out in bright colors in the competitive exams of life. However if our child fails or is not high enough to get into a good profession or job, we can view it as a chance to do better next time, instead of viewing it as a big failure. It may be just an opportunity to do better and come out in flying colors.


Yes it is perfectly true. Some people are least affected by their peer pressure and have a strong will power to be positive and aim at positive and productive growth. They can easily desist the wrong, realize their potential and aim to fully utilize it.


However it is best if we can associate with people who are optimistic, positive and good in their thinking process. Positive thoughts and actions are as infective if not more than negative thinkers. Positive thinkers and people with high ideals motivate us to perform better leading to the full use of our potentials in life. Besides, being in the company of enthusiastic people make us also aim high and we will be able to know of certain talents that we never knew existed in us. We are able to explore all out talents and potential and use them fully to the optimum level.


In addition, if we possess certain talents we should never hesitate to tell others about it and teach them so that they could also progress in life. Telling other people of our talents does not mean we should boost and think of it that way. Teaching others only helps us to perfect our own talents and grow in life. The same applies to things we have in excess that we can give to others. Charity does not make us poorer any day. Believe me, only people who give, have something to give and are rich. Those who just believe in enjoying things they have and are never satisfied will only live with dissatisfaction that their potential has not been fully utilized.


In addition, being an instrument to bringing out the full potential in others only brings forth the hidden potential in us. Being a role model and attempting to be one brings forth our full potential because we aim at making ourselves worthy to be followed by others. To conclude dear friends, I am sure you all are born with high potentials, which you should never leave unutilized. We all have to be able to utilize out potential fully and our own enthusiasm and action can only accomplish it.   .



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