How You Can Kick The Habit Of Smoking And Be Healthy.

Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Sat, Apr 17, 2010  
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Congratulations, you have taken the right decision to quit smoking. So you are here to read this article and take a giant step towards good health, You might have started smoking just for the heck of it and must be finding it difficult to give up due to your extreme dependence on nicotine. Here are some ways you can quit smoking and endure to live a healthy life.


The first step that sets the way to give up smoking is to first put in writing the reason why you wish to quit smoking, which could be thrift to save on smoking expenses to building stamina and good health. Do take support from those who love and care for you; friends, spouse or family members. A counselor or some support group of smokers who wish to quit smoking could help you to quit smoking.


The next step is to avoid or substitute situations and places that make you smoke. Yes, it is best to avoid smoking while driving or when eating out by avoiding driving or taking food home to eat. You could opt to go to a restaurant that has “No Smoking” rules. In addition the smoking after dinner can be substituted by having a delicious dessert or carrot sticks, sugar-free gums, or mint after dinner.


Do decide the date you want to quit smoking and do make it public by telling your friends and family. The plan should be gradual and should involve trashing those cigarettes, ash trays and lighters, washing or dry cleaning your clothes to remove the residues of smoking.  


Yes, the next way that would pave the way to quit smoking is to set a date by which you wish to quit smoking and do tell your near and dear and be determined to be successful. It is best to plan gradually quitting smoking.  Just trash away those cigarettes and other things that remind you of smoking like ashtrays and lighters. Wash and have your clothes neatly washed or dry-cleaned to remove all smell of cigarettes.


Look for substitutes to remove those withdrawal symptoms; deep breathing, meditation, massage and active physical exercises could substitute smoking for relaxation and stress reduction. Similarly, fruitful hobbies like art, painting, singing or just watching the television or taking a brisk walk can substitute smoking for boredom or loneliness. Yes, counseling, joining a support group or enrolling for public speaking or debating classes could substitute smoking due to discomfort in social situations.


If you find it difficult to quit smoking easily take the aid of nicotine replacement therapy available as gum, patches, inhalers, or nasal sprays, which smoothens out withdrawal symptoms and help learn new coping skills and behaviors. Non-nicotine medications like Zyban, and Chantix help you stop smoking by reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.


Start and continue your journey to quit smoking by being busy and occupied. When your mind is well occupied to have less time to think of smoking. Staying active will also promote better physical, mental and emotional health. If you do face inclinations to smoke again, find out what caused this inclination and nip it at the bud. Besides, motivate yourself on your successes and build a strong will to never give up.


To conclude, do reward yourself all along the way of quitting smoking. Praise yourself and show yourself that you appreciate your successes. Get yourself things you always wanted to possess from the savings and thrift by quitting smoking. Yes, do not miss to affirm yourself that you earned all the gifts by your own hard work.












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