How You Can Help Your Friend Get Over Nervous Exhaustion

Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Sat, Feb 20, 2010  
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Most of us suffer from nervous exhaustion at some time of their life. It just happens that some suffer it more than others. However nervous exhaustion is caused mostly in people who believe in being a Super man and neglect their other pleasurable pursuits. Nervous exhaustion is caused due to extreme stress, depression due to failures and overwork, alcohol and drug abuse, anxiety over normal problems of life, schizophrenia and other guilt and emotional conditions.  


It is best to first recognize the symptoms of nervous exhaustion. These symptoms could include physical conditions like sleep abnormalities, digestive problems, lower sex drive, memory loss, headaches, menstrual abnormalities in women and extreme conditions of anxiety. Besides there could be symptoms of extreme grief, disappointment, feelings to commit suicide, besides behavioral changes like mood swings, strange body movements and unnatural behavior besides strong and violent anger conditions.


Certain triggers like a broken emotional relationship could cause nervous exhaustion. Besides it may also be caused by overwork and lack of change and relaxation in ones life. You can help your friend by first finding out the trigger for such a condition. It would however be best if one could recognize the symptom of nervous exhaustion and reduce the stress in that area. Though medications could help one to get over nervous exhaustion, it carries a lot of side effects and could only act as a temporary help. However one could help ones friend to reorganize his life to get over stress and cure nervous exhaustion. 


One could help ones friend to reorganize ones life so as to include various activities that are relaxing and pleasurable and to exclude or minimize activities that cause stress. Ones friend should be taught to set a balance in his life. If he is a workaholic, he should be made to understand the value of spending time with ones family, games and relaxation. Besides he should be encouraged to join and learn deep breathing exercises. Ones friend should also be educated about the value of spending quality time with ones family and friends. He should be educated to take a relaxed attitude in life once in a while. An annual vacation with family helps one to relax and feel refreshed. Hearing soothing music, taking a nature walk regularly also has a soothing effect. 


In addition it is good to make sure if one has some nutritional deficiencies that could have triggered the nervous exhaustion. It is best to take a multi-vitamin daily as well as to include Vitamins of the B group like B6 and B12 in ones diet. Aromatherapy, yoga, reflexology, Reiki and massage therapy are also good therapies to promote calmness, bring about relaxation and act as an aid to stress management leading to cure of nervous exhaustion. Besides herbs like St. John's wort, Passiflora incarnata, Lavender, Valerian and Melissa officinalis also help in relieving the symptoms of nervous exhaustion.


It is best that one helps ones friend to come back to his regular self by being a positive thinker and experiencing the feeling of coming back to the normal calm self. Ones friend has to be made to realize that doing small things like having coffee with a friend, playing a board game with his children, going for a small walk with his wife and going shopping or window shopping with ones dear and near also help.


Your friend will sure thank you for helping him in the time he needed help to feel relieved of nervous exhaustion. However do remember when you also face such a condition tutor yourself to get over the nervous exhaustion just like you helped your friend.  


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