How To Resolve To Quit Smoking On World No Tobacco Day 2010.

Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Mon, May 31, 2010  
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Congratulations to all who have determined to abstain from tobacco today, the World No Tobacco Day 2010. It would be still greater if you resolve to quit smoking and take steps to quit this unhealthy habit starting from today.  Yes, I do agree that quitting smoking is much more difficult than embracing smoking as a part of your lifestyle whether it was due to peer pressure, tension, a feeling of luxury or boredom. Most smokers realize that quitting smoking is good, but the question how I can do it effectively is quite difficult to find; smokers try a number of times before they kick the butt habit. 


Today, being World No Tobacco Day 2010, every smoker should decide and make a strong commitment to quit smoking. Just think over all the health benefits like being less prone  to tobacco related diseases and the health problems a smoker friend suffered. In addition think of all the benefits of kicking the butt; this is sure to provide you enough support in the resolve to quit smoking.


Next it is best to fix a date after which you will not smoke; date should be  practical neither too soon nor too late. Change your environment at home and work by getting rid of all things like cigarettes, ashtrays, matches and lighters. Evaluate your nature and pinpoint and use techniques that would really work for you. Keep away from smokers and announce to your well wishers that you resolve to quit smoking.


Cultivate habits that help you quit smoking. Besides avoiding smokers it would help if you could switch to drinking water or juices instead of coffee, or alcohol. Besides take brisk walks during coffee break times and take a different route to work. In addition take substitutes like sugarless gum or hard candy, raw vegetables like carrot and cucumber sticks. Besides learn to distract yourself when you have an urge to smoke by taking a hot bath, doing exercise or reading a book. Having a chat with family and friends could also help.


Do deep breathing exercises reminding yourself that you are breathing in clean pure air instead of smoke as you breathe in. In addition,  delaying the next cigarette can help you to fight the strong urge to smoke. Besides setting aside the amount you spent on a cigarette and giving yourself a weekly treat helps to motivate you. It is true that your well wishers are sure to offer you support and encouragement to quit smoking. Asking them to abstain from smoking in your presence or asking them to join you can help all of you to quit smoking. In addition, your well wishers could help motivate you also.


Some do find it easier to quit smoking through complementary therapies like hypnosis, and acupuncture. Besides medicines like bupropion help double some smoker’s chances to quit smoking. people stop smoking. The market is now flooded with various nicotine replacement products like gums, patches, nasal sprays, inhalers and lozenges that help people to give up smoking.


Last but most important keep trying to quit smoking. Never go back on your resolve and allow a slip or relapse to turn into an excuse to turn to smoking again. Just review and renew your resolution and be assured you will be successful in your resolve to quit smoking.


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