How to Pause the Male Andropause!!!

Posted by pallavi-78 on Sat, Nov 23, 2013  
No of Views(4920)

Everyone goes through hormonal changes which affects our body at various stages of our development, as we progress in life. It is the general perception that only women, being the weaker sex, are prone to symptoms of menopause. This is not true, men go through this phase of hormonal disturbances too.  Andropause in men sets in especially after the age of 40 and is caused by low testosterone levels. These testosterones are  the hormones produced by men which are responsible for their overall growth and development.


Now many factors may trigger the onset of Andropause, some of the main causes being:


* Lack of exercise


 * Poor diet


 * Leading a sedentary lifestyle  


 * Smoking


 * High Cholesterol levels


* Stress and so on



The decline in hormone levels  in men results in the following symptoms:


* Feeling low and dull and irritable


* Lack of interest in any sexual activity


* Feeling drained out for no reason


* Loss of energy and enthusiasm in any activity.


* Unable to sleep


 * Palpitations and hot flushes


 * Weight gain due to low metabolism as a result increase in waistline.


 * Loss of muscle mass


 * Low self esteem


 * Unable to focus and concentrate on things.



Andropause can also increase one's risk of heart diseases and osteoporosis. These symptoms may vary in their severity and intensity from person to person. Few symptoms may not be as severe as in the case of menopause as in females but at times can be very disturbing and can have an impact on the quality of  one's life. Most men ignore these symptoms to be as a part of aging process and tend to neglect them. But if these symptoms persist for more than the normal period then it is a cause for concern. Visiting the nearest physician would be beneficial in treating andropause and getting routine blood tests done to test the levels of testosterone.


Remember,  the onset of Andropause can be easily prevented by following a healthy lifestyle, eating more nutritious food , changing your lifestyle and exercising on a regular basis. So you can pause the Andropause and pump up the testosterone !!!!


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