How to make your child eat

Posted by RoohiKaliaRalhan on Mon, Oct 31, 2011  
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* Be a Role Model. Lead by example. Do you eat healthy food yourself? Just introspect.
* No Sugar No Canned Foods. Stop giving him munchies. No sweets, candies, 'healthy' candy bars, Chips, Fries etc. Every time he is hungry offer him 'food' or fruits.
* Plan Menu. As working parent, you have less time to cook or you need unwind time as you come home with a hungry child. You quickly give him a jelly or canned juice until you cook dinner and by the time your dinner is ready your child is not interested in it. The solution here is to start looking for quick recipes for healthy food. May be you soak dal rice and put it in refrigerator and as soon as you come quickly cook a khichri or you have dosa dough ready in with samber in fridge. The point is if your child has had some sugary drink or candy bar, chances are he's through and he'll no more show interest in food.
* Always be ready with healthy options. Stock your car with water, fruits, carrots, yogurt or if you have time make a parantha roll or veggie sandwich before you go pick up your child from day care or activity class so that you don’t have to rely on fast foods.
* Food before going out. Always feed him before you go out shopping. If his stomach his full, he’ll be not interested in road side food stalls. Have him take a paratha before you go to a wedding in car or while you are getting ready. This way he’ll not have to eat all the junk snacks they serve before dinner and do carry an apple or a pear in your purse.
* Cleanup. Get rid of all the canned food, condensed food - cheese, jams, jellies, candies, colas, canned juices, chocolates from your kitchen. These foods should be out of sight from your child till the time he forms the habit of eating right. Remember you are responsible for what come in your kitchen. 
* Dinner time, Fun Time. Never scold him at dining table or at food time. Sit together and have a good time talking to each other about the day. It should never be associated with uneasiness. This time should be fun time your child should like forward to.
* Don’t make separate meal for your child. Yes you can’t serve them spicy food your husband likes. So the solution is to make one meal that suits the taste of your child. It asks for no chilies, less masala dishes, you can eat a green chilly to balance your taste. When you eat what you have served your child, chances are he’ll have more interest in it.
* Never give junk food an option. If he’s not eating rice don’t tell him he can have pasta. The option should be roti or potato parantha or curd rice or a fruit.
* Introduce new food slowly. If you are introducing a new food, serve little to your child while everyone else having a full share. Chances are when he’ll see his parents relishing a dish, he’ll be interested.
* Allow treats. You can have a ‘junk food day’ when you cook pizza, pasta, noodles or order a delivery or have Ice cream sundae, pop corns at movies or coke with burger at McDonald’s. These are small pleasures of life so enjoy with family.



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