How To Lead A Healthy Lifestyle

Posted by Antony76 on Wed, Aug 13, 2014  
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How to lead a healthy lifestyle is a question that arises very often in a various health forums.  Good health is achievable by practicing a healthy lifestyle like eating right apart from a regular exercise regimen. Managing weight is the key to leading a healthy lifestyle as this will significantly reduce chances of heart disease. Obesity related diseases are on the rise and is the second largest contributing factor with regards to childhood diseases such as type II diabetes mellitus, asthma, and high blood pressure.  Research shows that weight bearing exercises such as walking aids in reducing the onset of osteoporosis.  Weight reduction reduces stress improves physical functioning of the body as well as enhances self-image and esteem. 

Diet and exercise are the two factors that provide immense benefit, when it comes to leading a healthy lifestyle.  The above two aspects reduces weight, lowers blood pressure, and also lowers the risk of developing diabetes mellitus. Diet and exercise helps us to prevent numerous diseases in the long run. A planned exercise regimen significantly reduces LDL, cholesterol, and other risk factors such as hypertension, asthma and diabetes.  Food that is high in fiber content along with low fat diet controls body weight.  Coping with stress and anxiety drastically reduces the chances of heart ailments. 

In order to lead a healthy lifestyle calls for a healthy set of food habits that consists of fruits and vegetables.  Fruits and vegetables that are high in mineral and vitamin content should be consumed on a day-to-day basis.  Vegetables are the key to leading a healthy lifestyle.  Make it a point to consume 50-60% of vegetables every day.  The more the intake of vegetables the better, as it has the ability to ward of illnesses, and keeps your immune system in good shape.  Consume plenty of water to keep your cells in a healthy state. 

Emotional health plays a major role in keeping your health in good shape.  A healthy social life that is interactive in nature will helps us to negate many negative things.  Meditation, yoga, and music therapy goes a long way to help lead a healthy lifestyle.  The ideal way to take care of your health is to take care of yourself in the best possible manner in order to avoid unnecessary illnesses.  This in turn will lead to reduced health care cost even in old age.  This will help you to maintain your qualify of life.  As the saying goes “health is wealth”.  Leading a healthy lifestyle is a way of life.     


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  • avatar
    Monday, October 20, 2014 JohanClark

    Proper diet and exercise will definitely provide better health and the energy to boost up your daily routines to reach the ultimate goal.

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