How To Give Up Smoking Naturally And By Herbs

Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Fri, Feb 5, 2010  
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Everybody is stressed in today’s world and we all take up different ways to feel relaxed. Smoking happens to be one of them, which really gives one a feeling of being real high in spirits. However starting to smoke seems very easy when one finds that it gives one, real relief. Many are influenced by their peers to pick up such habits. However smoking wrecks havoc in the life of a smoker, his family and all those who live in his vicinity. Smoking causes ill-effects not only to the passive smoker who live or work with him but has also been found to have various other third hand smoking effects. These third hand smoke causes ill-effects to people who use the room,furniture which a smoker has used and the carpet in the room too. Yes, so even a child who crawls is also not spared of the ill effects of smoking. However one can give up smoking if one has a strong determination.Use herbs and other relaxation techniques to give up smoking.


Herbs can help one to give up smoking as well as promote good health. These herbs help to improve one's circulation, soothes tired and picky nerves and also relax. This could easily help one to give up smoking. Oat straw, an herb, which is one of the best tonics for the nerves, has avenine glyco sides.  This herb helps to correct the defect in ones nervous system and acts as a stimulator of ones central nervous system. Oat straw can be taken in the fluid form or in tea to give real good effects. This herb is ideal to be used when one determines to give up smoking in the process of doing it. 


One can easily use herbs like Valerian, which helps a person to relax and be calm. This herb induces good sleep in a smoker and makes him feel calm. Quality sleep is the main need for a person to feel relaxed. In addition herbs like lemon balm and St John's wart could help one to get over anxiety and fear and could also help one to feel less depressed. However if one is already under an anti-depressant he should avoid using these herbs. Get over anxiety and fear symptoms while acting as a mild anti-depressant too.


Additionally St John's wart has the additional benefit of being a powerful nerve tonic to bring positive emotional effects. It also helps to provide a boost in ones immunity system. The uses of these herbs have the additional health benefit of helping to fight depression, removing anxiety symptoms and boosting the digestive system. Yes, they also help to boost ones moods also eliminating the need to smoke. However dear friends never use these herbs a week before a major surgery or when one undergoes chemotherapy treatment for cancer or when one is taking blood thinners


Additionally it would help if one learns ways to relax to eliminate the need to smoke. Yes if you wish to give up smoking and determine to do so, then it is best to do deep-breathing exercises, meditation, yoga and other exercises. These natural methods are bound to lift up ones spirits and make one feel relaxed. If one does not know how to do these exercises, it is best to invest on meditation or yoga classes. Deep breathing exercises where one visualizes breathing in energy and breathing out stress and negative thoughts can be adapted into ones own system. This will help one to be calm and stress-free always removing the need to smoke.  Taking antioxidant vitamins like A, B, C, E can also help one to quit smoking.


Besides one should bring about positive changes in ones life and look into things that cause this stress. If they can be eliminated, then one should do so or else it would help to build up positive thoughts and mix with positive minded people. Joining support groups can also help if one strongly determines to give up smoking. It is also to be remembered that all the other measures can help only if one has a strong determination to give up smoking, realizing very well that it would harm one and his near and dear.


To conclude friends do not fear with the withdrawal symptoms as there are bound to be some, however just keep the goal that you will be gifting yourself and your family and friends good health. It is true the journey to give up smoking starts with the first step.


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