How To Be Young At 50.

Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Thu, Feb 4, 2010  
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Doesn’t it sound amazing that you can be young even at 50? Most of you must be really interested to preserve one’s youth and would definitely like to care for our skin and body well. So I would now like to let the jack out of the box and tell you how you can look and feel young even at 50.


It is first very essential to acknowledge that our skin loses its moisture and oils as we age. So it is very essential to make sure that we preserve and help add moisture to our skin. It is best to use a soap that has moisture preserving and providing contents. Soaps that have Aloe Vera and glycerin are ideal for an aging skin. Besides it is essential that we use a gentle face wash to wash our skin. In addition after a bath it would be good if we were able to apply a moisturizer containing products like Aloe Vera and cucumber. Using a moisturizer that has urea or lactic acid in it also helps to take care of the drying skin. It would also help if we applied olive oil or coconut oil or gingerly oil on our body once a week about ½ an hour before taking a bath.  This is a good tip because we can easily replenish the oil and moisture lost by our body due to the drying effect. 


Do you work outside the home and have to go often out in the sun? If yes, it is time you took care of your skin to avoid getting sun burnt and contracting skin cancer. It is best you use a sunscreen when you go out for a job or any other sundry trips.  A sunscreen cream helps to block the UVA and UVB rays. Besides using a sunscreen cream with SPF factor in it helps to give protection and care to an aging skin. In addition, do take care of your skin at night too. With age most of us tend to develop dark rings below our eyes that is caused due to dryness. Hence it is best to invest on an under eye night cream or an anti aging cream and apply it every night before retiring to bed; thereby helping to replenish the essential moisture lost during the day and to allow the cream to sink in at night.


Summer is time to look after our skin and body well. It is best to wear light colored cotton clothes when one goes out in the sun. Besides sun screen it is best to wear good quality sunglasses when one goes out in the sun. If one wears spectacles it would be good to invest on anti-glare glasses so as to protect the eyes, which is one of the most important organ of our body. Besides never forget to apply a sunscreen during the summer season.


Yes one of the most important ways to care for your aging skin and avoid those ugly wrinkles is to create a happy, calm and cheerful way of living. One should learn to laugh more. People who are serious and frown a lot have a tendency to develop wrinkles. It is best to learn methods to eliminate stress. Learning relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises, yoga and pranayams helps one to fight stress and have a good supple skin.


Diet plays a vital role to avoid a skin from aging. One should eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Using oils that have less of saturated fats helps to look after an aging skin. Besides it is best to take natural anti-oxidants to have a clear and radiant skin. In addition one can take care of ones aging skin by giving up harmful habits like smoking, drinking and taking to drugs. Smokers, 40 years of age look like non-smokers who are 60 years or older. Besides one can protect oneself from cell cancer too.


Do you wish to be in body and soul like a 30 year old at 50? Well, be regular to do your exercises regularly. Doing exercises like walking, swimming, running and jogging can keep one active and delay the aging process. It is best to keep as physically active as possible and avoid the thought that we are aging. Besides it is best to be positive in our thoughts and actions. Research has proved that physical activity with positive thoughts has prevented age related diseases like arthritis, dementia and rheumatism. One should also keep ones brain active by doing puzzles like crosswords, Sudoku and number games.


To sum up I suppose all of you must be convinced that you can be young at 50. My best wishes to all of you to attain this goal.  


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