How to Eliminate Stress during Pregnancy?

Posted by Trupti Shirole on Wed, Nov 24, 2010  
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We all know that stress damages our health and eventually affects the quality of our life. It is very important to remain stress free during pregnancy because studies have proved that a pregnant lady passes stress hormones into the amniotic fluid as early as 17 weeks. This means that when you are feeling stressed your baby is also feeling the same.


The first step is eliminating all possible sources of stress, and when this is not possible it is best to learn how to cope with stress.



Firstly it is very important for every woman to identify the symptoms of stress. These symptoms might simulate the symptoms of normal pregnancy.


Symptoms include: being short tempered, biting nails, lack of ability to concentrate, loss of appetite, skin or hair problems, frequent coughs and colds, indigestion, frequent headaches and rapid heartbeat.

If you think you are stressed, talk to your partner, family or friends. Sometimes just sharing it with someone can be extremely helpful.


Here are few ways to combat stress-


Eat healthy food regularly- both you and your baby will benefit from healthy nutritious food. The food you eat can affect your mood. Include foods like bananas, broccoli, avocados, citrus fruits and whole grain food in your diet. Avoid caffeine.


Exercise regularly- exercising helps to get rid of stress hormones. It increases the production of endorphins (the "feel good" hormones). Swimming and walking are both ideal during pregnancy. Exercise benefits both your physical and mental health. Consult your doctor before starting an exercise program.


Try relaxation techniques- yoga, meditation are very beneficial. Practicing it on a daily basis will help you calm down. It will reduce your susceptibility to stress.


Listen to music- listen to something that you enjoy. It helps a lot to relieve stress.



Get enough good quality sleep- go to bed roughly around the same time every night. Have a relaxing bath before sleeping. Try to avoid eating just before bedtime as this can increase your chances of indigestion and heartburn.



These tips will help a great deal in eliminating stress. Remember that having a positive attitude always helps in life.



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