How Kids Can Be Taught To Recycle And Save The Environment.

Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Tue, Feb 2, 2010  
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Our kids form the base of a better tomorrow, so they should be taught all the things that can make the world a better place to live in; reducing global warming, pollution and building up a better planet with reduction of waste are some of the most important goals.  Kids have impressionable minds and they can be taught how to follow good and useful habits when they are still young. Yes, kids can be easily thought the multiple uses of things and taught to recycle them and reduce waste and pollution.


Kids can be taught about the scarcity of fuel and that it should be conserved. Besides the excess of motorized vehicles on the road would cause pollution, which would not only bring about climatic changes but could also harm the health of the inhabitants of the planet Earth. Kids could be taught about various ways to reduce the pollution and conserve fuel resources. Kids should be taught that cycling and walking help to reduce pollution and should be encouraged to go to nearby places like school and super-markets by bicycle or on foot. In addition, kids should be taught that going by public transport like bus or car-pooling with friends can help to save the environment, These measures could also help reduce traffic congestion and save money.


Kids can be taught the advantages of recycling things instead of being thrown away and contributing to the pollution in air, water and ground. It is good to set up bins to throw different unwanted things made of glass, paper, plastic, cardboard, and other material. Plastic bags that one gets while shopping can be used to dispose off garbage, instead of just throwing it in the dustbin. Similarly, small cardboard boxes got as packing for breakfast cereals can be used to make decorative containers for keeping various miscellaneous things like socks, handkerchiefs or even table stationery. Kids could be encouraged to use their imagination to turn out different creative and useful things rather than throwing them away.


Kids can also be encouraged to dispose off things they no longer need to people who need them and can use them to make various other products. Disposing off ones old clothes to orphanages and old age homes would be great as people who need them can use them. Charity begins at home. In addition, donating books and magazines to public libraries or to nursing homes would be great a also giving away newspapers to newspaper recycling or local pet stores and animal shelters who can use them for cleaning purposes would also be good. Besides, there are many other ways that it can be recycled to produce other creative things. 


Kids can be easily taught to compost vegetable wastes to make valuable organic manure. Thy can be encouraged to put all vegetable wastes in separate bins and then put into compost pits to form manure. Planting of trees should be encouraged and carried on by the kids. They should be enlightened about the most important role played by tree to clean the air, prevent pollution and also that trees play a vital role in a green world. Kids will learn better hen they practically do things about nature, science and the earth. 


In addition, kids should be encouraged to use recycled product at home and school. Recycled pencils and paper, or non-PVC backpacks and lunchboxes are green school supplies that will reaffirm and help them help their friends to understand the importance of recycled products. 


Kids should be taught the importance to conserve energy and turn the Earth into a green planet. They should be taught to switch off fans, lights and air-conditioners when not in use. Besides they should be encouraged to use daylight during the day and in summer season. They should be encouraged to draw aside the curtain and use natural light. This reduces energy consumption, electromagnetic fields, and also saves money. In addition kids should be encouraged to reduce waste and be careful in the consumption of    toothpaste, shampoo, soap, and other household products. Teaching kids to use only what they need, not more, will instill green habits that last. 


To conclude, one should teach one kids about recycling to not only save the environment but also to eliminate waste and build a better world for all who live in it.


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  • avatar
    Saturday, July 9, 2011 maneesh

    Dear Ravi,

    If your problem is increasing day by day, it is unlikely to be dyslexia. Similarly, if you had better language skils earlier in life and are now feeling greater difficulty, then that again does not support a diagnosis of dyslexia. I would strongly urge you to meet a Psychiatrist and get an assessment for other mental health problems.
    rest assured, your problem is manageable.

  • avatar
    Friday, July 8, 2011 ravi005

    in current situation language related problem are increasing day by day . in the childhood they were less but now the are increasing. i was never good in any language in writhing in speling even in hindi. which in can spick well. i am feeling the condition is getting verse day by day i have to thinkk ten times to write a word in english. i used to feel that though i was having problem in childhood but now they are incresing much more . i feel that i am forgeting the thing even which i know b4 in childhood in language . and my memory is also got very week now i used to forgot the things by a sudden. by prof i am an architect thanx to god that i m in that kind of feeld where drawing is the languag insted of writing.

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