Help your Child to be fit and Happy

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Tue, Jul 30, 2013  
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Take full charge of planning as to or different what your children should eat. See to it that you children eat nutritious and balanced food. Four to five portions of fruits and vegetables is a must in a child’s diet. It is good that kids develop a taste for different varieties of food so that you don’t have to face any embarrassment when you go to any new place.


Don’t restrict your child from anything be it burgers, pizzas or custards. You can try out healthier versions of custards too by adding lots of fruits and nuts to it. Make the burger at home by adding vegetables and soya granules to it. You can add chicken and vegetables to it as well. 


I personally don’t like the idea of depriving my child of any type of food be it chocolate or burger, but at the same time I don’t over indulge him. But thankfully he developed healthy eating habits very early in life and generally prefers home cooked food to outside food.


When I go to the vegetable market or to the supermarket, I take him along with me sometimes.  I tell him to pick up the vegetables and fruits for me. I try and involve him when I am baking a cake. Sometimes we add grated carrots and make a yummy carrot and walnut cake together. According to me no food is unhealthy, but how you are making it makes all the difference. By taking their help or involving them in cooking up a special dinner makes them feel empowered.


You should practice what you preach. Make yourself disciplined and lead a healthy lifestyle. Children learn by examples that you set. It is important that you play a game with them or exercise together. Children generally enjoy sports when they see their parents involved in it. Eat together. Make dinner time a ritual time where you can discuss with your child all that both of you did during the day. This way you can keep an eye as to what your child is eating.


According to me no food is bad food. Never ever deprive your child from any kind of food. Teach them to eat the right amount. Being fat and over eating is definitely not a sign of good health.  Nothing should be excluded from their diet be it fat, carbohydrate or protein. They need them all. If he is fond of chicken, you can try out different dishes by making a chicken stew with lots of vegetables and you can also make chicken with spinach and mint as well. You need to be innovative with food. It is natural that a child will develop a dislike for food if you are serving them only roti and sabzee or daal and rice. 


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