Health Benefits Of Okra

Posted by Krishna Bora on Sat, Feb 22, 2014  
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Have you ever wondered that what are the health benefits of Okra, one of the commonest vegetable that is available in the market?


1. Okra has soluble and insoluble fiber. The soluble fibers bind to bile acids present in the intestines and cause the absorption of cholesterol.


2. Okra reduces risks of heart diseases, as the fiber absorbs all the cholesterol from the body.


3. The fiber present in Okra prevent from constipation, as it absorbs all the water and bulk in stools.


4. The high amount of fiber present in them also helps to regulate sugar levels in the body.


5. The Okra fiber is capable of propagating good bacteria in the body.


6.  Okra could help in neutralising acids in the digestive track, and prevent ulcers.


7. Okra is one of the richest sources of Vitamin A, and helps to improve vision.


8. Okra is also a very good source of Vitamin K, and helps to prevent issues with blood clotting and helps to control bleeding.


9. Okra is also a plethora of minerals like iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, etc.


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