Green Tea Plus Papaya - The Sure Fire Way To Prevent Diabetes And Much More

Posted by Hannah Punitha on Mon, Oct 21, 2013  
No of Views(3867)

Researchers at Mauritius University have concluded that green tea prevents an increase of sugar levels in blood while fermented papaya helps positively reduce the level of the reactive protein C and uric acid," said Prof Theeshan Bahorun presenting the research findings on 16th Oct 2013 a site reported.
Prof Theeshan Bahorun said the results are significant as they show reduction of risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular diseases without medical intervention.
Also the researchers discovered that green tea re-inforced the anti-oxidant defences of those who reached the pre-diabetic stage.
Reduce Portion Sizes
Put less on your plate
1. Have a large glass of water 10 minutes before your meal, this makes you less hungry.
2. Restrict meat, chicken and fish to small portions.
3. Cut on  desserts.Maybe a spoonful of a dessert should be enough.
You may have the question" How much should I eat"?
You can fill your plate like this:
1/4 plate grains
1/4plate protein
1/4 plate freshly cut fruits & 
1/4 plate vegetables 
Dairy (low-fat or skim milk)-200ml
Move, Move ...More Each Day
Find out ways to move and be active each day.  Walking for atleast 30-40 minutes a day is a great way to get started . 
Swimming, Dancing and Bike riding are also other interesting ways to move more.
Look out for nearby parks,fitness centers and swimming pools and get started.
Dance your way to fitness and prevent diabetes
Work out with a video that shows you how to get active.
Let's discuss some more ways to prevent diabetes tomorrow.

Researchers at Mauritius University have concluded that green tea prevents an increase of sugar levels in blood while fermented papaya helps positively reduce the level of the reactive protein C and uric acid," said Prof Theeshan Bahorun presenting the research findings on 16th Oct 2013 a site reported.


Prof Theeshan Bahorun said the results are significant as they show reduction of risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular diseases without medical intervention.


Also the researchers discovered that green tea re-inforced the anti-oxidant defences of those who reached the pre-diabetic stage.




Reduce Portion Sizes


Put less on your plate


1. Have a large glass of water 10 minutes before your meal, this makes you less hungry.


2. Restrict meat, chicken and fish to small portions.


3. Cut on  desserts.Maybe a spoonful of a dessert should be enough.


You may have the question" How much should I eat"?


You can fill your plate like this:


* 1/4 plate grains


* 1/4plate protein


* 1/4 plate freshly cut fruits & 


* 1/4 plate vegetables 


* Dairy (low-fat or skim milk)-200ml


Move, Move ...More Each Day


* Find out ways to move and be active each day.  Walking for atleast 30-40 minutes a day is a great way to get started . 


* Swimming, Dancing and Bike riding are also other interesting ways to move more.


* Look out for nearby parks,fitness centers and swimming pools and get started.


* Dance your way to fitness and prevent diabetes


* Work out with a video that shows you how to get active.


Let's discuss some more ways to prevent diabetes IN THE NEXT POST.


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