Getting Hitched

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Fri, Mar 7, 2014  
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This blog of mine is all about how to plan oneself before getting hitched. There are ways to deal with pre-marital pangs and anxiety. Get married only when you are mentally prepared and for God’s sake don’t rush into it. It is advisable not to fall under any kind of family pressure or feel it as a societal rule to get married at a particular time. The idea is to get married only when you are ready or rather both of you are ready. After all you have your entire life at stake.


Communicate well with your partner. There are chances that you might feel out of place and awkward in some situations, but things will gradually fall in place. It is very important that before tying the knot that you communicate every detail with your partner. Be emotionally independent.


After marriage accept the new family. Don’t shatter your happily after dream by just getting panic attacks right before your wedding. To stay away from these moments of anxiety it is advisable that you spend some time with the family and your spouse before getting married.


After marriage when you plan your first child be careful, because that is the biggest dilemma all married couples face. You might be bombarded with questions by all the mother hens around you about your plan.  Just turn a deaf ear to it and don’t feel pressurised by just expectations. Only when you are physically, emotionally and mentally prepared then only go for it!


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