Foods that Get Us Glowing from Inside Out

Posted by Hannah Punitha on Tue, Oct 29, 2013  
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Fruits,vegetables and nuts like avocados,pomegranates,apples,beet root,carrots, pumkin seeds, walnuts, almonds etc  have not only great nutritional value but also anti-ageing properties say researchers. Lets look into the health benefits and anti-ageing properties of some fruits, vegetables and nuts.


Avocados are the perfect solution for a tired lack lustre skin besides being a cancer fighter; Avocados lowers cholesterol & also regulates blood pressure;

The healthy plant fats in Avocados promote smooth, healthy skin. It is also loaded with skin conditioning Vitamin E and anti-oxidants.

Avocado Raita  tastes yummy and is the best bet for Diwali.You can also make it spicy and hot by adding red chilli powder and   chopped green chillies!



2 ripe avocados


1 medium sized onion finely chopped


1 or 2 medium sized tomatoes(according to taste) finely chopped


1 tsp cumin powder


1/2 cup chopped fresh coriander leaves


Juice of 1/2 lemon


1/2 tsp red chilli powder


1 green chilli chopped very fine


1 cup fresh, unsweetened yogurt - turned till smooth in the mixer

Salt to taste


Remove the seed and flesh from the avocados and put into a mixing bowl and mash till smooth.


Add the chopped tomato,onion,green chilli, all the spices and the lemon juice and finally the chopped coriander. Mix     till all ingredients are well blend.


Finally add the yogurt & salt to taste. Stir to blend with avocado mixture.



Avocado - 1


Boiled Chickpeas - 1/4 cup


Onion ( small ) - 2


Chilli powder - 1/4 tsp or 2 small green chillies


Lemon juice - 1tbs cup


Coriander leaves - 1/4 bunch


Salt - as needed


Olive oil - as needed



1. Cut avocado into cubes. Soak chickpeas in water overnight.


2. Pressure cook chickpeas till cooker whistles twice.When pressure subsides, drain excess water and set aside.


3. Finely chop the onions.


4. Beat olive oil & lemon juice in a bowl.


5. Add chilli powder or finely cut green chillies, salt, finely chopped coriander leaves &  mix well.


6. Mix chickpeas, avocado, onion, in another bowl, add the dressing, toss well and serve.



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