Exercise to Relieve Menstrual Cramps

Posted by Trupti Shirole on Tue, Dec 14, 2010  
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Dysmennorhea or menstrual cramping is a painful condition characterized by severe uterine pain during menstruation. It occurs due to the rhythmic contractions of the uterus in order to expel the blood and other tissues.


During this period a hormone called prostaglandins is released by the body. This hormone leads to muscle spasms. The menstrual cramping generally begins 1-2 days before the onset of menses and continues for about 2-4 days.


Research suggests that approximately 50% of women suffer from menstrual cramping. While almost 90% adolescent girls suffer from menstrual cramps.


Exercise for Menstrual Cramping-

  • Aerobic exercises prove to be helpful. Exercises that raise your heart rate work best.


  • Brisk walking, jogging and swimming are good options to choose from.


  • About 30 minutes of exercise should improve your symptoms.


How does exercise help?

While exercising beta-endorphins are released in the body. Beta-endorphins are brain chemicals that helps to block pain. It also helps to counteract the prostaglandins which produce cramps.


But always talk to your doctor/gynecologist before beginning with any exercise program.



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