Posted by Chamanlal Raina on Sun, Nov 17, 2024  
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Hemophillia is a rare disorder. The blood does not clot in the typical way because it does not have clotting factors.Those persons with Hemophillia do not have enough of certain proteins . For most people with Hemophillia small wounds may not be problem.If you have Hemophillia you might bleed for a longer time after an injury.

Some people will have pain in joints followed by stiffness and deformity in joints. Bleeding inside the skull will put pressure on the brain . Bleeding from lungs will cause obstruction in the airway. This is called Haemoptysis, coughing up blood from the lungs and airways. Seek adviceFrom you healthcare provider or family physician.

What are types of Hemophillia.

Based on which proteins are low the disease is divided into two types: Hemophillia A Type A Hemophillia- those who do not have enough protein called Factor- 8 Hemophillia BType B Hemophillia- those who do not have enough protein called Factor- 9 Hemophillia occurs when a certain gene does not work right. The disease is passed down from parents to children therefore this is called genetic disease.Mostly males will have the disease.

Females can carry the genes.Mothers can pass this gene to their sons who then will have the disease.Mothers can pass the gene to their daughters also then the daughter will carry the genes.If a man has Hemophillia his son will not have unless the boy's mother passed genes to him.Man with Hemophilia will pass the gene to his daughter so she will carry the gene for the disease.

Some persons will have Hemophillia though there is no family history, may beThe mother had the disease but she did not know it.Let us know what are the symptoms. Bleeding for no known reason.Bleeding that does not stop after any cut or injury in the mouth. Nosebleeds. Blood in urine and stool.Bleeding into a joint, this will cause joint pain and swelling. This will Follow with deformity in the joints.Seek advice of your physician who will recommend proper treatment. Let us understand what treatment is recommended.Clotting promoter, this will help to form clots and reduce risk of excess bleeding. A synthetic anti fibrinolytic agent Tranexamic acid may also be used to treat or prevent bleeding episodes.In some cases patient will require to administer factors when needed.Doctors will give more of protein factor 8 or factor 9.In severe cases the patient will require administration of factors at regular intervals.

Seek advice of your physician who will recommend proper treatment.Timely consultation and treatment by your Physician / Health centre Is necessary. They will recommend your treatment and prevent furtherComplications.


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