Dangerous Foods for Dogs

Posted by Krishna Bora on Thu, Nov 28, 2013  
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There is no way one can resist those big round and brown eyes. Dogs have been humans best pal since the he lived in a cave. Could a small reward from the table really hurt them, or make them happy? It depends on what is served for the meal, and how it reacts your pooches body. Here are some food that you shouldn't be giving to your dog.




No matter how much you think that this green fruit is loaded with goodness for your dog, you shouldn't give it to your dog to eat. Avocados are loaded with a substance called persin, which is harmless for humans, but causes allergies to your dogs. Keep your dogs away from the avocado trees in your garden, because they could develop allergies even from the parts of the tree where persin is available in some amounts.




Any food or drink item that contains alcohol should not be given to your dogs. Alcohol has the same impact on the brain and liver of a dog as it affects human, but it takes far lesser time to cause the harm. The smaller the dog, the higher is the affect. It could cause them depression, diarrhea, problems with coordination, coma, and even could prove fatal.


Onions and Garlic:


Onions and garlic, in all the forms, can destroy dog's red blood cells, leading to anemia. Eating large quantities of onions and garlic could cause poisoning, could cause weakness, vomiting, dullness, and breathlessness.


Grapes and Raisins:


Grapes and raisins are often argued to be good for the dogs, but they are actually bad for their health. They could cause them kidney failure, and just a small amount could make them really weak and ill. The dog would keep vomiting, and suffer from depression and sadness.


Milk and Other Dairy Products:


Milk and dairy products are ad for the dogs as they cause them diarrhea and other digestive problems. It could also lead to many food allergies, like itchiness.


Fat Trimmings and Bones:


Very few people know this that raw meat and bones are harmful for the dogs, as they could pose danger to their pancreas. A dog could choke on small pieces of bones. Hence, remember not to give them small bones and raw fat trimmings.


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