Cure your depression

Posted by arun kumar burnwal on Wed, May 18, 2011  
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Nowdays, the person are more depressed than previosly.Their numbers increase day by day. Some become medicine dependent in whole life.


There are many causes to get depression. 1. living alone 2. being excessive angry 3. hearing bad news 4. dissatisfaction after sex 5. hormonal factor , before puberty 6. suffering from intolerabe ailments 7. masturbation 8. supression of menses 9. intolernancy toward noises 10. having low income.11. dissatifaction of life etc.


 The depression have manifold symptoms- both mental and physical. People's physiological activity may be altered. Both sexes may show sexual problems as well as genito urinary problems. The depressed person show anxiousness, palpitation, sleeplessness, anorexia, suicidal tendency, stomach problems, disliking of  music, wants to be alone, aversion to work, indifference to relatives, use drugs, alcohol , headache etc.


Here homoeopathy act as a boon in curing these type of depressions. In homoeopathic treatment, patients are cured more sucessfully and in short time. A detailed case history is required to select appropriate remedy. Once these cases are cured,they hardly reoccur.

Some person can not tolerate living alone , become depressed, the mewdicine is ars. alb, calcarea carb, nat.mur, stramonium.


Sometimes depression causes headache, medicines are cimicifuga, phos etc.


Some teenager are habitof masturbation, this causes a guailty feeelingand followed by depression, the medicine are natrum mur, psos.acid, platina etc. 


A person may report feeling "sad"  cry frequently at trifles , the medicines are cina, stramonium.


A person may show markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, daily activities even can not love her husband and children , she works as her duty. the medicine is carbo. veg, sepia, phos. acid, etc.


Insomnia or sleeping too much may be a symptom of depression. the medicine is ignatia for sleepiness, and for sleeplessness ignatia, nat.mur, kalibrom .


The person may be observed to be either agitated and restless or physically slowed down in their movements. when quite , the medicine are ignatia, nux vom. And for restlessness ars, argentum nit, tarent.


A depressed person may have a diminished ability to think, concentrate or make decisions. the medicines are barytacarb, ignatia, opium etc .


A depressed person may have recurring thoughts of death, especially thoughts of suicide . medicines are aur met, nat sulp,syphilinum, cal carb, merc, nux vom.


some interesting cases:-


1. A young student getting depression due to not getting maximum marks in examination. He had symtoms of insomania, loss of appetite, always thinks bad things, repeatation of doing. and one day he went to suicide himelf by burn . HOMOEOPATHY TREATMENT IS DONE , AND NOW HE IS IN GOOD JOB.


2. A  lady suffered from insanity due to getting depression after deliverery of a female child.Her mother in law warned her , not to deliver female child. following insanity she had symtoms ofloss of appetite, no interest to anythings, wanted to throw her baby. Insomania , did not want to lactate baby . After failure of other treatment,HOMOEOPATHY TREATMENT NORMALIGED HER AND MADE HER A GOOD MOTHER.


3. Alady get depressed due to her family behavior since after her marriage.As a result,she had insomania, aversion to talk, wanted to live alone, no appetite, no interest in good clothing,sighs frequently, constipation etc. HOMOEOPATHY CURED HER AND TO AVOID THE RELAPSE HER FAMILY MEMBERS WERE ADVISED FOR GOOD BEHAVIOR .


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  • avatar
    Wednesday, August 17, 2011 CheekyBabySlings

    best baby slings

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    Sunday, May 22, 2011 drpkchadha

    What medications were used in these cases? Have you done any follow up after a month or six months?

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    Friday, May 20, 2011 bobydevid

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