Can Money Give True Happiness?

Posted by Seema Nigar Alvi on Mon, May 16, 2011  
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Whenever I hear the song “Can’t buy me love” by Beatles, I find it reflecting the reality of life in its true sense. Money can’t buy love. Money is a complement to our happiness but obviously not the vital component for our happiness and love. There are people who are not rich, still they are happy. A beggar might be happier than a wealthy man. So money is in no way, a criterion for true happiness.


Money- earned happiness is not permanent, as it vanishes with the loss of money. Eternal love and Money Eternal love and happiness can never be acquired by money. Money is related to selfish personal motives while love is something pious and selfless. The two cannot complement each other. Happiness and love gained by materialistic money is transient and short- lived and fades away with its glamour. Nobody can deny the importance of money. It certainly gives you the best luxuries in life. It helps you in leading a comfortable life. These inanimate things can give you comfort but not real happiness which only comes your personality and your actions. Nothing in the world can buy pure happiness. It is your right thoughts and guided actions that move you in the direction of true and lasting happiness. Happiness is Priceless Money is needed for filling our bellies while happiness and love are required to resuscitate our lives and make it bliss. Many a times it’s seen that money squeezes the relationship by making the person give in to the sadistic materialistic pleasure.


There is no price tag for happiness and love. They are priceless, rather too expensive to be priced! Money can only get you tangible stuff, not the intangible feelings and sentiments. Moreover the happiness gained by money is short- lived and transient, confined to materialistic glamour. It never touches you or your soul.


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