Cinnamon – The Spice of India

Posted by Thelma Maria Simon on Wed, Feb 13, 2013  
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It is typical Indianism where we like our food to be filled with spices. The aroma the food gives out is the most important of all to increase the appetite. One such spice that tops above all other is Cinnamon. This spice has a lot of health benefits apart from adding flavors for our food.


Many like to sprinkle the cinnamon powder atop their latte and sip in during a cold winter evening standing out the balcony. Some prefer to sprinkle the powder over they bowl of porridge while some to the apple pie. Wherever it is, the taste that it adds to and the aroma it releases can never be compromised. No biriyani or gravy is complete without deep frying cinnamon as the first step of cooking.


There are a few who have the habit of chewing cinnamon pods once or twice everyday. Some like it for the taste while some for the health benefits it provides. So what could be the health benefit we get out of this small pod? There are many health benefits that I can list out. Some of them are as follows:


* It helps to regulate the blood sugar levels

* It helps to reduce the arthritis pains of the joint when taken on daily basis

* It is effective in treating H Pylori bacterial ulceration in the stomach

* It helps to reduce the LDL cholesterol in blood if chewed every morning

* It acts as a food preservative

* It helps to reduce the proliferation of cancer causing cells

* It contains small amounts of fiber, calcium, iron and manganese

* It is effective in reducing dysmenorrhoea (menstrual pain)

* It helps to prevent infertility

* It helps to prevent neurological disorders

* It has a sweet and spicy taste that aids in digestion

* It is used to make aroma oils that are used for massages

* It helps to burn the fat from the body when chewed every morning

* It helps to improve memory and attention by reducing mental stress

* It helps to treat nausea and vomiting and can be given to stop diarrhea

* It is a natural mouth freshener



The list keeps going. So go ahead, start chewing this wonder pod everyday and make it a habit to chew it daily and enjoy the wonderful benefits.



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