Are women today more stressed out than Men?

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Wed, Aug 10, 2011  
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A recent survey has shown that Indian women are the most stressed out people in the whole world. Women are rising up the corporate ladder and along with it their stress level is also rising.


Though times have changed and women have come out of the four walls to work along with the men folk, but the mindset of the men has not changed. They still expect the women to rush into the kitchen, finish off with the cooking, attend the kid’s demands, the husband’s demands, finish off with the household chores be it whatever time she comes back from office. And if she is working from home it is all the more difficult for her because she is has to meet with her office deadlines and at the same time since she is at home she has to take care of the home and meet up with everybody’s demand. If by any chance you fail to meet up with just one demand you will be labeled as a bad mother and a bad wife who does not take care of the house.  Even if we are fortunate to have a maid at home we are expected to add that very personal, very wifely and very motherly touch to every final thing and if by chance anything goes wrong it is you who is to be blamed. This takes a toll on the health of an Indian woman.


No wonder women keep complaining that they don’t have time for themselves. The competition in the corporate world is rather tough and sometimes meeting up with the deadlines gets tougher because when you are working for an organization your boss is not going to understand that your child is not well and that you have to go back home and cook dinner otherwise your family is going to starve because the man of the house rarely take the initiative in cooking or eve for that matter instructing the maid.


Jayati Mazumdar says, “When I am in office I am busy with work and worried about meeting up with deadlines and the moment I get time to take a little break I am worried about work at home.  I start calling up home and finding out if my son has reached home safely? Did he finish his lunch? Is he doing his home work? …the list is just endless.”


 "It is not always work or home that a woman keeps worrying about. Sometimes she is unable to give her hundred per cent at work because she is worried about a lot of things back home. Sometimes it is a fight with the husband or may be her child’s performance in school worries her. All these things put together adds to the worries a woman and makes her stressed out," adds psychologist Dr. Seema Hingorani. My advice to all women out there is take care of yourself if not for yourself at least for your family.


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