When traveling becomes a pain

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Wed, Mar 30, 2011  
No of Views(3313)

Traveling is fun, but long distance traveling can become dangerous too. DVT or deep vain thrombosis is a condition that most travelers face. It is a condition where a blood clot is formed in a vein in the body. DVT most commonly affects the large veins in the thigh and lower legs, but it can happen in any other part like the shoulder or arms as well.


Causes of DVT-




*Long bed rest

*Recent or ongoing cancer treatment

*Surgery especially on the legs.

*Old age


Above are the common causes of DVT, but sitting with out changing position which mainly happens when you are traveling for long distance is another very common cause for DVT. DVT does not develop in people who travel short distance. Common symptoms of DVT are swelling, pain, increased temperature of the affected area, the place cab become blue also and you will feel uneasy to lift up your leg.


To prevent DVT there are a few simple things that you can do like walking along the aisle for few minutes, When you are traveling for long distances wear comfortable clothes and keep stretching your self especially your legs and drink lots of water.


Traveling is a wonderful experience so to keep your self happy and to have a healthy holiday keep stretching your self.




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